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A tour of all Famly's features, including your options for planning and reporting. See the overview below!

Kevin Jenson avatar
Written by Kevin Jenson
Updated over 4 months ago

In this article:

Famly's Layout

Famly's layout has been designed to be intuitive, easy to pick up, and speedy to use. When you log in to the app, you will find your personal profile, notifications, messages, and the search function on the top right of the page. Your tools and features are all neatly stored in the five icons that run down the left-hand side of the page. Your actions then take place in the middle of the page.

The Home Icon

  • Overview

Your overview is your first stop. Here, you can view information about your rooms, children, and staff ratios.

  • Newsfeed

Your newsfeed is where you can share posts and photos with parents and staff.

  • Staff

This tab takes you to a list of your staff members. From here, you can view, delete, and add members of staff.

  • Documents

Here you can safely store all your internal documents in one place.

  • Calendar

Use your calendar to keep track of all planned events, and send invites out to parents and staff.

  • Meal Plans

Use this function to create menus and then share them with parents. You can also customise your meal options.

  • Reports (Famly Usage)

Here you can monitor how active your staff and parents are when it comes to their usage of Famly.

The Children Icon

  • Overview

Your overview of children is where you can come to create new child profiles, filter for withdrawn children, and send out parent logins.

  • Safeguarding

Your safeguarding tab is where you can securely log and store accident and incident forms. This is also where you can view and create Headcounts.

  • Lists

Lists is a fantastic tool to help you categorise children and staff by the details that have been input on their profiles.

  • Holiday RSVP

Here you can ask parents to RSVP to holidays, and easily plan your room occupancy accordingly.

  • Parental Permissions

Using this function allows you to request, store, and view what parents consent to.

The Attendance Icon

  • Room Planner

The Room Planner is your digital register. From here you can manage attendance and staff in each of your rooms.

  • Child Attendance

From here, you can oversee data on child attendance, sick days, and planned hours.

  • Staffing

The Staffing tab collects all information about your Staff schedules and attendance. Under Staffing, you'll find Staff attendance, Staff hours, the Staff ratio report and Staff leave.

  • Registration

This is an overview of your waiting list and potential starters in real-time. You can also see your future availability - useful to budget, plan for, and manage how many children you care for.

  • Reports

This is where you will find your occupancy report. You can use the occupancy feature to get an overview of booked care.

The Learning Icon

  • Overview

From your child development overview, you can manage all observations and assessments, including drafts and anything waiting for review.

  • What's Next?

This is where you can see and archive all of the “What’s next” items that have been filled out in observations.

  • Progress Report

Get an overview of the children’s assessments to understand their progress.

  • Tally

Get an overview of the number of observations that have been tagged to each area.

  • Two Year Checks

See which children have had their two-year check and which ones are still missing.

  • Activity Library

Get inspired by the hundreds of activity ideas on offer in Famly's activity library. You're also welcome to create your own activities to share within your setting, or add to our ever-growing library for other Famly users to try!

  • Activity Planner

From here, you can build and share your unique weekly activity plan.

The Finance Icon

  • Overview

Under the Overview tab, you will find information about your children's plans, and any ad-hoc purchases that have been requested or approved.

  • Invoicing

This is the tab you will use to send out your monthly batch of invoices.

  • Debt Collection

Here you can keep track of missing payments and send payment reminders to your bill payers.

  • Reports

Under this tab, you will see you have a few different reporting options. Using the Revenue tab, you'll be able to stay on top of incoming payments with your monthly overview.

The Public Funding report allows you to compare the funding you give with the funding your receive.

The In-app payments report is where you can find an overview of the status of any pending payments, as well as any processing fees that you will have incurred.

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