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Create a Custom List
Create a Custom List

Use Lists to sort and filter children or staff by parameters of your choosing

Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Where to find Custom Lists

The Custom lists feature makes it possible to group children or staff together by different information and to save it as a PDF. For example, you can use Custom lists to create a list of staff members and their qualifications or access a preset telephone list.

To find Custom lists

  • Click on the Reports tab in your sidebar

  • At the top of the page, click on the Custom lists tab

How to Create a List

To create a new list, click on Add list and choose whether this is to be a list of children or staff by selecting Children or Staff from the drop-down menu. Enter a title for the list at the top.


You can add Filters to your list to group together children or staff that share information. Choose from the standard filters such as their Status, their assigned Room, or whether they are currently Signed in. You can add more filters by clicking on Add filter, then selecting whether the list should show Yes, No or Unknown for each one in the dropdown menus that appear at the top.


You can add columns to the list by clicking Columns at the top. Here you can also remove default existing columns by unchecking the boxes next to the column name on the left. After you have selected which columns to be shown, click on the Save button.

Columns will show information that can be found on a child or staff members profile in the About or Family tabs including Permissions (for children), Contact information, Health information, Key person, amongst other things like a child's Language, Special notes or Start date.

πŸ’‘ Keep in mind, it's not possible to create a Custom list of financial information such as the cost of a child's bookings, invoices, or bill payer balances. Financial information can be viewed or downloaded in the Reports tab by going to the relevant reports in the Finances or Registration subsections.

The following columns can be added to a custom list:

Contact information including:


Contact relation


Home Phone

Mobile Number


Place of Work


Work Phone

Contact relationship including:

Emergency Contact

Who the child lives with

Parental Responsibility

Health information including:



Known allergies

Special dietary considerations

Special health notes

Tolerates penicillin


Key Person:

Key Person (Primary)

Key Person (Secondary)


Currently signed-in to a particular room

No sign-ins for a particular period of time

Signed in currently

Status (whether the child has a custom status applied)

Other information including:





Contact extra info

Contact name

Famly ID

First name



Last day

Last name

Middle name




Reason for leaving


Special Notes

Start date



You cannot use Custom lists to make a list of financial information (such as a list of children with specific extra charges, sessions, or packages, or invoicing information). If you're not seeing a column that you'd like to add to your list, you may be able to see a report in the Reports tab in your sidebar instead (for example, for bookings and occupancy, revenue, and extra charges and sessions).

Save and Print a List

To save your list, just click on Save in the top right corner. You can download your list as an Excel or CSV file by clicking on the downward arrow icon and you can print (or save your list as a PDF) by clicking on the printer icon

Example Lists

How to create a list of staff qualifications

For example, you may want to make a list of staff by what qualifications they have. First of all, you'd click on Add list and select Staff from the drop-down menu. Next, choose the information you want to show in the list by clicking on Columns. Here you'd click Name (to show the member of staff's name) and Qualifications.

Next, you'd click on Filters and select the qualifications you want to filter by (as below) and filter to only show Current staff.

Now you have a list of staff and their qualifications.

How to create a list of contact details for children's families

You can also create a list of contact details for children's families to print or download if needed. To do so:

  • Create a new list in Custom lists

  • Click on Columns

  • Here, check the relevant boxes (this could be Address, Contact relation, Email, and Mobile phone, for example)

  • The list will display children on the left and all the contact information you chose to add in the following columns

  • If you'd like to print this list of parent or family contact details, just click on the Printer icon at the top

  • Remember to Save your list if you'd like to keep it in your overview

Pre-set lists

You'll notice there are two pre-set lists in your Custom lists tab that Famly has created. There's a preset telephone list, as well as the evacuation list (updating in real-time).

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