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The Notes Tab on Child Profiles

How to add notes to the profile of children in your setting

Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over 5 months ago

Where is the Notes tab?

Once you're on a child's profile, the Notes tab is second in from the right.

How do I use the Notes tab?

Adding a note is a useful way to keep all the information about a child in your setting together, on their individual Profile. You can add a note about whatever is useful for your setting and for the child's care, for example:

  • Upload a physical document to the child's profile, such as a record of medication administered, or a care plan from another person working with the child, like a speech therapist.

  • Scan documents directly in the app.

  • Securely record a safeguarding concern or a disclosure.

  • Make a note of some extra information about the child, such as what their comfort object is, or what they call their parents.

How to Add Notes on a Child's Profile

First, you'll need to navigate to the Notes tab of the child's profile:

  • Click 'New Note' and a new pop-up will open (as below).

  • Enter the note content in the text box, and add a file, if you need to, with the 'Choose files' button.

  • Select if the note is 'Regular', 'Sensitive', or a 'Safeguarding disclosure'.

  • Select whether the note should be 'Visible to parents'.

  • When you've finished, click 'Create'

You can update notes to alter your sensitivity and visibility choices.

How to Scan Documents

  • Click the Scan document button as shown above.

  • Take photos of all pages of the document you'd like included, this will be converted into a pdf.

  • Before uploading, you can also delete single pages, add pages, and move pages around to change the order.

How do I view past notes made about a child?

Existing notes will appear in chronological order in the 'Notes' tab, with the newest notes at the top. You can filter by whether the note is 'Visible to parents', 'Sensitive', or was a 'Safeguarding disclosure.'

Depending on the Permissions of your role and the type of note made, you may not be able to view all the notes about a child.

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