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Parents 🧸: The About tab

The About tab on your child's profile holds all their personal information

Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article:

Not all settings allow parents to edit these details- if you're in doubt, please check with your child's setting.

The About tab

The About tab on your child's profile is where all their personal information is stored. It's very important that this is correct and regularly updated, to ensure your child's setting has the right information.

Keep your child's information up-to-date

To add, change, or update your child's information:

  • Log in to Famly

  • Go to your child's profile

  • Click on the About tab

  • Click Edit in the top right-hand corner of the Basic Info, Health, or Sensitive Information section.

  • Click Save when you've finished

Once these boxes are populated, staff with the correct permissions will be able to access this information.

Basic Info

This is the first section on the About tab. Here is where you enter the most basic information about your child- name, age, date of birth, for example. It is unlikely that this basic information will change, but you have the option to edit it anyway, just in case.


This is the second section of the About tab. Here is where you can enter information about allergies or dietary considerations for your child, their doctor's information, and details of any vaccinations.

You can edit this section at any time and your child's setting will be notified of any changes.

Sensitive Information

This is the third section in the About tab. Here you can add or edit information about your child's religion and ethnicity, if you wish to.

Registration & Room Moves

This is the fourth section in the About tab and is more for your information, as you cannot edit this. This section will show what room your child is currently in, their start date, and their leave date (if this has been entered by the nursery).


This is the last section in the About tab Here is where your child's setting can request your permission for things that may take place in the setting. This can be things like your child having suncream applied, being allowed to have their photo taken for the setting's website, or have their face painted. You will need to select 'Yes' or 'No' to each permission your child's setting has requested. A record of who answered the permission, along with the date will be made, but you can edit or change these at any time.

This is another essential section to be kept up-to-date, so your child's setting knows exactly what they're allowed to do. Your child's setting will be notified when you make a change.

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