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Your child's setting may send out parental permissions for you to review. These permissions help them ensure that your child can safely participate in various activities that happen at the nursery - think anything from field trips to safeguarding. You can conveniently update and review these permissions at any time using your Famly app.
How to Review a Permission
Access Your Child's Profile:
Open the Famly app and head to your child's profile
Navigate to the About tab
Then go to Permissions
Find and Update Permissions:
Once you're in the Permissions section, you'll see all the permissions your child's setting has created
Choose Yes or No for new or unanswered permissions to give your consent, or click Edit to update your existing answers
Track Changes:
Whenever a permission is changed, you'll see the date and the name of the person who made the update
While the nursery can also update permissions on your behalf, we encourage you to review and confirm these permissions yourself
Stay Notified:
When a new permission is added, you'll receive a notification to respond to it