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Parents 🧸: Parent Documents

How to view and acknowledge documents sent to you by your setting

Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated this week

🔒 Please note that not all settings have enabled Parent documents. If you're unsure whether you should be able to see this section or not, reach out to your setting

What are Parent Documents?

There are two types of documents your setting may send to you:

  1. Documents that require your acknowledgment, such as policies and important updates like cost increases.

  2. Documents that do not require your acknowledgment but will remain available for you to refer back to whenever you wish on your child's profile, such as newsletters, flyers, and summaries of meetings.

How to View your Documents

Documents that have been sent to you will be stored on your child's profile. To access them:

  • Tap on your child's picture in your menu bar at the bottom of your device

  • Go to their About tab

  • Finally, tap on Documents

In the Documents tab, you'll see all the documents you've been sent. You can see whether you've acknowledged a document (if acknowledgement was required), and you can tap on each one to see more details, like files attached or a description.

How to Acknowledge a Document

When your setting sends you a document, you will be notified that you've got a new document to view or acknowledge, depending on whether the document requires acknowledgement.

💡 If you're not being notified of new documents, check that you've updated your notification settings by tapping on your profile picture and selecting Your Settings, then Notifications and Messaging

Tap on the notification from the bell icon in your menu bar to view the document:

Once you're in your child's Documents tab, you can click on the document to expand the details, read the description and click on Acknowledge (or choose I'll do it later to postpone acknowledgement).

By tapping on the attached file, you can choose to download it straight to your device.

If you choose to acknowledge the document later, you can always come back to it by heading to your child's profile, tapping on the About tab, and scrolling down to Documents.

Any documents waiting for your acknowledgement will have Pending written under them. Just tap on the document to open the description and tap on Acknowledge once you're ready.

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