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The Debt Collection tab
Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over 5 months ago

Where to find your Debt Collection tab

The Debt collection tab details outstanding and overdue debt. The details shown in the report are all based on the invoices you have sent in Famly and the payments you have added to Famly, as well as any in-app payments that have been processed. To find your 'Debt and Invoicing Report':

Simply log in to Famly, and click on the Finances icon, then select the Debt Collection tab.

How to use the Debt Collection tab

The report consists of two sections:

  • The graph,

  • The bill payer overview

The Graph

The graph shows your setting's total balance, (the balances of all the bill payers added together). You can hover over this to see the balance on specific dates.

The Bill Payer Overview

Below the graph is the Bill Payer Overview. Here you are able to filter bill payers by:

  • Outstanding debt

  • Payment method

  • By name

  • By date

  • Billpayer Note (clickable)

  • Last payment made (hover-able to see method)

  • Last reminder sent (clickable to see the email sent)

  • Direct debit

  • Automatic payment method

    In order for a bill payer to appear in the filtered by 'Payment method' list, that payment method must be made automatically via in-app payments

The table is organised alphabetically by Bill Payer name and gives details for the previous 3 months. You can click into the invoices for each month to see the details. Additionally, the table shows total outstanding, overdue and 30+ days overdue, as well as the balance of the bill payers account.

The invoices appear in the month they were sent in, not the period they are for.

How do I send a payment reminder?

This is a Premium feature, available in the Premium Package- see more about Pricing.

Sometimes fees can be late, so Famly gives you the option to send a reminder to the bill payer, straight from the Debt Collection tab. To do this:

  • Click in the tick box next to the bill payer you want to send a reminder to (you can select as many as you like) and click the 'Send payment reminders' button.

  • A pop-up will open , asking whether you wish to send a first reminder, a second, or send a message of your own. All of these can be edited before you send them to the bill payer.

  • When you're happy with the message, click 'Preview', then 'Send Reminder.'

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