In this article: |
The Staff Schedule & Hours system includes several new features that work together to provide accurate tracking of staff hours — including scheduled hours, attended hours, paid leave, break deductions, contracted hours, period difference, and bank hours balance—to inform payroll.
This video will give you an overview of Staff attendance and Staff hours:
Staff Attendance
To find your Staff attendance page, head to Attendance → Staffing → Staff attendance
The page shows a weekly view of totals for scheduled and attended time (after break deductions), and highlights the difference between these totals on a daily and weekly basis. The page can be filtered by staff member, and by room and can be viewed in the past or future via the date selector.
The scheduled times (with blue clock icons) are determined by the shifts published via the Staff schedule. The attended hours (with green check marks) are determined by the check-in and check-out data through the sign-in kiosk or within the app.
Staff leave is also highlighted on the page for visibility, with specific time amounts shown when Precise leave tracking is enabled (via Settings → Staff → Staff leave).
If a staff member has forgotten to sign out at the end of the day, the automated check-out is highlighted with a red warning icon. These records should be updated to ensure accurate staff attendance data.
The weekly contracted hours total is shown under the staff members' names and set via the Staff profile → About → Contract. Information about how this works can be found here.
Weekly Detailed Attendance Log
Clicking on any cell on the Staff attendance page will open the detailed attendance view for the staff member. With the associated permissions, you can view, or view and edit the time and leave for the week. In this view, all individual shifts and check-ins are shown, including any room switches that happen throughout the day.
Individual shifts and attendance logs can be added, edited and deleted from this page with the Edit all staff schedules (shifts) and Edit all staff attendance records (sign in and out times) permissions respectively.
You can also click on Add Manager Note to give extra details about the attendance you're adding or editing. For example, if an employee used extra time, you can add a manager's note to detail this. Any notes that give important context for approving hours for payroll can be added here.
💡 Only staff with the Edit all staff attendance records (sign in and out times) permission enabled will be able to see manager notes in Staff attendance
Leave can also be viewed and added from this page by clicking + Add on the relevant day with the Staff leave - View and Staff leave - Edit permissions respectively.
All check-ins with a missing sign-out time are indicated with the red warning and should be updated for accurate time tracking.
Total break deductions per day are calculated by break times added to shifts. The total break amount is deducted from both the total scheduled time per day and week as well as the total attended time per day and week.
The difference between total scheduled and attended time is highlighted per day and week with a positive or negative number. This can be used as a guide to make adjustments in the week to avoid overtime and ensure intended hours are being fulfilled.
At the bottom of the page is a weekly summary with the following numbers
Scheduled - total time of all shifts per week minus any breaks
Attended - total time of check ins per week minus any breaks
Paid leave - total leave time per week that has been indicated as “paid” (requires “Precise leave tracking” and “Leave subtype” features enabled)
Break - total break times added to scheduled shifts per week
Total - The weekly total of Attended + Paid leave (note breaks are deducted from Attended)
Contract - The weekly contracted hours set for that staff that week (configured via staff profile > about > contract)
Difference - The Total minus the Contract for that week
Bank - the current bank hours balance that can be manually updated by managers based on overtime worked, or time off taken.
There are two export options:
Daily total which includes:
The date
The staff member's name, employee ID, job title, nursery name, and assigned room
Their scheduled shifts and breaks and total scheduled hours with these combined
Their total signed-in hours, deducted breaks, and total attended hours
As well as the total hours of leave (holiday, sickness, absence, or child sickness)
Detailed breakdown which includes:
The date
The staff member's name, employee ID, job title, nursery name, and assigned room
The type of hours (whether scheduled or attended)
The start and end times as well as the total hours attended
Leave type (holiday, sickness, absence, or child sickness), the start and end date of the leave, as well as the reason for leave, the leave subtype, whether it was paid or unpaid and the leave subtype code
Staff Hours
The Staff hours page provides a summary of the total hours per staff member over a selected period of time. The page can be filtered by staff member or by room and showcases the same totals as the Weekly Detailed Attendance Log, but for whatever time range is selected (weekly, or custom time range).
Clicking on the staff members will open the weekly detailed attendance log for any further insight or editing required.
The totals per staff member are:
Scheduled - total time of all shifts minus any breaks within time period selected
Attended - total time of check ins per week minus any breaks within time period selected
Paid leave - total leave time per week that has been indicated as “paid” (requires “Precise leave tracking” and “Leave subtype” features enabled) within the time period selected
Break - total break times added to scheduled shifts within time period selected
Total - The time period total of Attended + Paid leave (note breaks are deducted from Attended)
Contract - The total contracted hours within the time period based on weekly contracted hours and work availability set on via staff profile > about > contract
Difference - The Total minus the Contract for the time period selected
Bank - the current bank hours balance that can be manually updated by managers based the difference highlighted within the page based on the nursery’s HR policy.
All of these totals can be exported within any time range selected and used to upload to an HR or accounting tool to inform payroll.
If you have Staff Scheduling in your package or via an add on, you can access your historic data for scheduled hours and breaks generated by the old Staff Rotas tool that is being replaced on April 3rd in CSV format.
As the new tool will replace the old, the old data won't be available in app anymore. So we're making the data accessible here if you need to reference it over the next months as you transition to the new system.
To download your historic data:
Head to your Settings
Go to the Staff hours section
Click on Staff
And scroll down to Historical staff hours data
Lastly, click on Download to get your CSV
Your data set will include:
Data from your selected date range - it will download for all staff within that time period
Scheduled hours (from Staff Rotas Schedules)
Breaks (from Staff Rotas Schedules)
And Attendance and Leave