In this article: |
How will I monitor progress without statement-based tracking?
The changes to the EYFS and the focus on reducing paperwork are an opportunity to reconsider how you assess and monitor progress. Your child development reports in Famly are the data from your assessments of children and no longer from your observations linked to curriculum statements.
Assessments should be based on:
Your knowledge of the individual child
Your professional knowledge of child development
Use of various supporting reference materials and non-statutory guidance (like Development Matters or Birth to Five Matters)
Assessments of development should not be based on how much of the non-statutory guidance a child has 'completed' or 'ticked off'.
Where to find child development reports
You can find reports about child development in your setting just as you always have. Just log in to the app and click on the 'Child Development' app.
An overview of reports
While statement-based tracking is disappearing, you still have many ways to get an overview of the children's development in your setting
What's next
Here you'll find a list of the 'What's next' notes added to children's observations, starting with the most recent. These are to explain what practitioners should do next to support and extend a child's learning, so this list can be useful for planning provision, resources, and activities. The list can be broken down by:
Key person
Observed after (date)
You can archive these, once you've actioned them, by clicking in the 'Archived' box next to the date the observation was made.
Progress Reports
Your choice of assessment will determine how your progress report will look. Below is an example of how a custom report might appear.
In the Progress report, you can see an overview of how practitioners have assessed children. You can filter the view by:
Please note that Two year checks are not included in the progress report.
Compare cohort - under investigation
The points system of the old cohort tracking relied on a subjective and often wrong view of progress, and was strongly linked to statement-based tracking, which we no longer believe is an appropriate way to view child development.
If you have any feedback or ideas to reporting, we’d love to hear them. You can share your feedback here.
You have access to an overview of observations made about children by checking the tally report. This shows you the number of observations made, filtered by the areas of learning in the framework your setting uses. You can also filter these by:
Key worker