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Managing Ad-Hoc Purchases
Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over 4 months ago

Ad-Hoc Purchases

Ad-hocs are sessions that aren't part of a child's regular plan. While a child's Plan is the recurring weekly pattern of attendance, Ad-hoc Purchases are one-off purchases, for example, an extra session, a late collection fee, or irregular attendance such as holiday club.

πŸ’‘ A session or product will only appear as an option to book ad-hoc if you have added an ad-hoc price when creating it

How to add an ad-hoc purchase

Adding an ad hoc purchase to a child's profile will instantly be picked up by your revenue report, your occupancy report, and your registers.

To add an Ad-hoc Purchase:

  • Use the search bar to look up a child's profile

  • Once you're there, click on the Bookings tab and click on Add next to Purchases

  • Select the relevant Pricing band or set it to automatic if you have set up pricing group advance rules in your pricing section. The system will automatically calculate the correct price at the time of purchase

  • Then the date for this product or session

  • Click on the items you'd like to add as ad-hoc purchases

  • You can click on as many as you'd like to add them in bulk. They will all be collected in the Summary section on the left

  • Add a discount or a note if needed

  • When you're ready, click on Submit request

The ad-hoc purchases added will show up in the Purchases overview:

Add purchases for multiple children

If there's an ad hoc purchase you'd like to add for multiple children at once, you can do so by:

  • Heading to Finances in your sidebar

  • In the Overview tab, select the children you'd like to add a purchase for by checking the box next to their names

  • An action menu will pop up - from here, click on Add purchases

  • Next, select the Pricing band and date you'd like to add the purchase for

  • Scroll down and enter the sessions or extra charges you'd like to add

  • Click on Add purchases to confirm

If you want to see a list of all extra charges or ad hoc bookings, you can see an overview here in Finances β†’ Purchases tab.

Deleting an ad-hoc purchase

Providing the ad-hoc purchases or sessions have not been invoiced for (shown by a green checkmark), you can delete them. To remove an item, open up the bundle of purchases and click on Remove under the item.

To delete an ad-hoc that has already been invoiced, you must first cancel the relevant invoice then delete the ad-hoc. Once you have removed it, you can reissue the invoice.
All ad-hoc purchases (appearing in the Selected items column, as shown above) are bundled together as one purchase when you click create and will therefore be added to an invoice as a group of purchases. We recommend that you don't have purchases from two different months in the same bundle because all of it will be picked up next time you issue an invoice.

Invoicing ad-hoc purchases

It's not possible to raise an invoice for only ad-hoc purchases since they are automatically picked up the next time you issue an invoice.

However, if the ad-hoc purchase was for the period that has already been invoiced, you can of course still invoice for this. You will need to raise an invoice for the same period, so the ad-hoc purchase will be picked up.
N.B. If you choose not to charge for sessions where a child is unwell, you will need to delete the ad-hoc session, even if you left the boxes below unchecked when creating the session. This is because it only applies when the session is part of a plan and not an ad-hoc.

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