π This article is for settings that use Improved Actuals for invoicing. If you're not sure whether you are on Improved Actuals, reach out to support@famly.co to check
How to Create Alternating Booking Plan Parts on Improved Actuals
Plan Parts allow you to add two parallel plans to one child, according to two attendance patterns. In Improved Actuals, this feature is available with actualised billing and must be enabled by customer support.
For example, a child may attend 5 days a week term time (and receive funding), but only attend twice a week during holiday time (and does not receive funding). In this case, you would be able to add two plans according to two attendance schedules described- one for term time and one for holiday time.
Step 1: Create the Invoicing Profiles
Requirements for Plan Parts:
Invoicing Profiles must use Attendance Schedules with specific dates
Invoicing Profile 1: Term Time
Create an Attendance Schedule and name it Term Time
Select specific dates and enter the specific term-time dates. Mark in-term dates as purple, and out of term dates white
Click Create
Next head over to Invoicing Profiles and select New
Select the Term Time Attendance schedule, and edit the title as you'd like
Choose Actuals invoicing
Choose whether Funding can be applied to this profile
Invoicing Profile 2: Holiday Time
Create an Attendance Schedule, name it 'Holiday Time', select 'Specific Dates'
This time, when entering the dates, mark term-time dates as white, and holiday time as purple.
Click Create
Next head over to Invoicing Profiles and select New
Select the Holiday Club schedule, and edit the title as you'd like
Choose Actuals invoicing
Step 2: Add the booking patterns to a child's plan
Invoicing Profile 1: Term Time
For example- 5 days a week during Term Time + Funding + Full Time Discount
Got to the child's profile and select the 'Bookings' tab.
Next to Plans, click Create new plan. Note that you can also Schedule a Change, however, one of these must be done as editing an existing plan will not work.
Be sure to select the first attendance schedule and actuals invoicing.
The funding must be added to the first booking pattern added.
After adding the booking pattern, click the '+ Add booking pattern' in the bottom left corner of the plan. It'll look something like this:
*Note: If you don't see the option to '+ Add booking pattern' click the pencil icon to edit their settings and click the Override button. It should now appear.
Invoicing Profile 2: Holiday Time
For example - 2 days a week during Holiday Time, no Funding, no Discount
Select the second attendance schedule from the drop down menu.
Add the booking pattern and remove any funding and discounts now.
Click Save.