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Creating and Sending an Invoice
Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over a month ago

πŸ”’ To create and send invoices, you'll need the Manage invoices for children permission enabled

How to add a Bill Payer for a Child

To invoice for a child's bookings, the child must have a bill payer assigned. To add a bill payer, head to the child's profile, click on the Bookings tab and then on Add bill payer in the Bill Payers section.

For more information about adding bill payers, check out the article below:

How to Create an Invoice

To create an invoice:

  • Head to the child's profile and click on Bookings

  • In the Bookings tab, click Add in the Bill Payer box, then select Invoice from the drop-down menu

  • Now it's time to customise your invoice. You can enter an Invoice Period by Month or Custom period if you invoice weekly, for example

  • You can enter the Due date for this invoice

  • You can also add Custom lines for additional charges that aren't on the child's booking plan or in their purchases

  • You can add a Note if you need to add any other information to the invoice

  • By clicking on Details you can see a daily detailed breakdown of the period's charges

  • Once you're ready, click on Create and send

Create Batch Invoices

If you'd like to send multiple invoices for a specific invoicing period in batch, head to Finances in your sidebar and click on Invoices. From here, you can customise your batch invoice details the same way you can for individual invoices by adding an Invoice Period and a Due date.

If there are any issues with a child's plan or their bill payer, you'll see these in the Unresolved issues section (usually issues will have something to do with the child not having a bill payer or plan entered).

πŸ’‘ Children who are flagged with unresolved issues will be excluded from batch invoices, and their bill payers will not be sent an invoice

Once you're ready to send your invoices in batch, click on Create and send invoices. Before they're sent to bill payers, you'll be asked to double-check the number of invoices and the amount to confirm.

For more information on sending batch invoices, take a look at the article below:

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