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Customisable Registration Forms
Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over 4 months ago

In this article:

Registration Forms

Create customisable registration forms to save time, remove manual data entry, and get the right info, with the right guidance, at the right point in the registration process. Parents can fill in forms with the info directly saved to the child, child contact, and registration info visible in enquiries. When a child is enrolled at a nursery, all of this info remains as a basis for their profile in Famly.

To access your custom Registration Forms:

  • Click on the Attendance icon

  • Navigate to Registration

  • Select Forms from the drop-down list

You will see the forms overview, where you can create new forms and manage your existing forms.


There are several permission options for customisable registration forms that can be enabled for users and roles in Settings → Staff → Manage roles and permissions.

  • View available custom registration forms: can access the Forms overview page, see the names of unique forms created and copy the URL link for each

  • Add and edit custom registration forms: can create new forms, edit forms, and duplicate forms

  • Manage custom registration forms: Can share forms with other sites that the user has access to, manage settings for the form (e.g. notifications, success message), publish and unpublish the form, and delete the form

Users can have all three permissions for a single site but as soon as a form is shared with a site that they do not have access to, they will no longer have edit or manage permissions for that form.

All forms in the organisation can be viewed by selecting the organisation from the location selector at the top of the page. The sites that the form is shared with are shown for each. The responses for each form are listed in the CSV. If the form was shared with 100 sites, all responses across 100 sites to that form template will be available to view—as well as on each of the child profiles under the registration tab.

Create a Form

To create a new form:

  • Click on the New form button

  • Select one of the suggested form types. You can choose between an Interest form, a Registration form, or an Enrollment package. Each of these forms can be customised—with new fields added or removed— however, there are some fields which are mandatory to create an enquiry profile and cannot be removed from the form

  • All of the fields visible on the child enquiry profiles can be added to a form, as well as several new ones that can be used to capture agreement to nursery terms and conditions

  • The available fields are accessible via the left column by opening and closing the field categories for Child, Contact, Doctor and Registration

  • To add a field, drag and drop it from the left column to the right column, which represents the order and information that form submitters will be asked to fill out. The available areas in the form that the selected field can be added to are highlighted with purple drop zones

  • Fields and sections can be rearranged on the form by selecting and holding the double ellipses on the left and dragging up or down, then releasing when the correct drop zone has been selected

  • If more than one contact is needed in the form (e.g. a second parent/guardian or emergency contact), then it can be added by clicking + Add next to Contact or choosing from the Add section button

  • You can also edit each individual section by clicking on the ellipsis on the right to add a description or rename the section (e.g. change “Child” to “Your child’s information” or delete the section). Please note, deletion is only possible if none of the fields in the section are required, as indicated by the red asterisk next to the field name

  • Descriptions can also be added for each field type, to help provide guidance and instructions to form submitters. For example, with the “Language” field you may want to add a description that asks form submitters to list all of the child’s languages, in order of their fluency

Form Fields

Below is an overview of each of the fields you can add to your form.

  • Form text is an editable form component that can be added to a form and used to provide instructions and information within form sections. For example, you can use this to introduce a section or what parents can expect in terms of response time and next steps after a submitted registration form

The fields in the registration category contain several helpful options for providing and receiving additional information that goes beyond the enquiry fields available in Famly. You can:

  • Attach documents to a form that can be downloaded by the form submitter. These could be additional policy documents or PDFs that must be filled out and submitted as part of the form entry. Please note, the maximum file size is 200MB. Accepted formats are PDF and JPEG files.

    • When a file has been successfully added it appears as a file name link

    • Clicking on file name link will download the file

    • Clicking on X will delete the file from the form

    • On the submission page, the files appear with the file names and are downloadable

  • Collect documents. Document collection is a form component where form submitters can upload and attach documents such as filled-in or scanned PDFs along with their form submission. Any documents added will be appended to the form entry and available from the registration section of the child profile. We are including a virus scanning step in the upload process. This is to check all files that are uploaded via the forms before they are saved to the dashboard and therefore accessible to nurseries to view/download via the form response entry

    • Submitters will be able to upload PDF and JPEG files. Use the description to guide them on what documents you want to collect

    • When files are uploaded successfully they show as file name links with the option to delete by clicking the X

    • Additional files can be added by clicking the Select a file button

    • On the Enquiry profile, you will be able to see all files uploaded and that they have been scanned for viruses

  • Terms and Conditions is a form component that can be used to write specific nursery or form terms for parents to agree to. When adding this section, form submitters must tick a checkbox that says they agree to the terms. They are also asked to input a digital signature, confirming the authenticity of the information submitted

  • A digital signature can be added to the form even if terms and conditions have not been included. The digital signature includes a timestamp of when and who submitted it, providing a liable agreement that can be referred back to if there was any issue or disagreement in the future.

Save changes to ensure that the edits made to the form are being applied. To see what the form looks like for form submitters, click on View form to see a preview version of the form.

Clicking the Manage button at the top allows you to change the title of the form, see and copy the form link, publish and unpublish the form and notify you of any new responses. You can also enter a custom success message that form submitters will see after they complete their submission.

Form Management

Once your form has been created, you'll be able to access it via your Forms management page. This page shows all the forms created, the links needed to direct families to use them, and options to see responses and update the form and settings.

The forms are hosted on Famly servers and are publicly available if published. Click Copy link to save the URL to your clipboard and use this link on your website, in emails and on social media to direct families to your registration process. Each form entry creates a child enquiry profile for the specific site that the form has been created or shared from.

Clicking Options provides the ability to:

  1. Open form - see it as form submitters do when clicking on the link

  2. Manage - edit the form name and success message

  3. Edit - open the form manager to change the contents and information requested in the form

  4. Duplicate - create a copy of the form

  5. Sites - share the form with other sites in the organisation. Sites available to share the form with are based on permissions for the user profile accessing this feature. If the form is shared with sites that a user does not have permission to, then the site sharing and management features are only available to users with permission to all sites that the form is shared with. All shared sites can be viewed

  6. Unpublish - unpublishing the form disables the URL to the form to stop any form submissions. Forms can be published once again.

  7. Delete - you can delete the form from the form manager. Please note that all responses to the form will still be listed on each individual enquiry profile (under the “registration” tab) regardless of the form being deleted. Once deleted, the form URL will no longer work, the response CSV will not be accessible and the form cannot be “un-deleted”. If you would like to keep historical access to forms, unpublish them.

By clicking the responses you'll be able to download a CSV file of all responses to the form in the order of how the fields are listed in the form. You can choose a date range for this in the pop-up. Any updates/edits to the form are listed in the form version number.

To filter through all your forms, you can use the Sort drop-down to list forms by the last time they were edited, or in alphabetical order. Use the check box to choose whether you'd like unpublished forms to show in your overview.

All forms in the organization can be viewed by selecting the organization from the location selector at the top of the page. The sites that the form is shared with are shown for each. The responses for each form are listed in the CSV. If the form was shared with 100 sites, all responses across 100 sites to that form template will be available to view—as well as on each child profile under the registration tab.

Form Submission

When form submitters complete their entry they are given a confirmation, including the form success message. They can print/save a copy of the form. This info is always appended to the form submission, with all supplied information and agreements accepted.

Enquiry Profiles

All of the information submitted via the forms is submitted into the relevant enquiry profiles. Under the Registration section, all forms submitted are listed under Registration forms and can be reviewed individually by selecting See responses.

In the activity feed, the status is updated with the form type filled out.

Specific forms can be sent as follow-up tasks for specific children. Clicking Send form leads to a selection of the follow-up form type and a selection of the child’s contact that should receive the email to fill out the information.

All information updated in the subsequent forms will overwrite the existing info, allowing the enquiry info to be refreshed and up to date between the various touchpoints from first interest to final info before enrollment.

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