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Parents 🧸: The Family Role Login
Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over 3 months ago

🔒 Not all settings allow parents to edit roles. If you're in doubt, please check with your child's setting

The Family Role

When adding contacts to your child's profile, you can choose the type of login you to give those contacts (Parent or Family). Contacts with the Family role can view posts and pictures sent to the Newsfeed, but cannot access the child's profile to edit a child's information or view the activity feed and tagged photos. Contacts with the Family role cannot see observations or photos attached to them on their Newsfeed.

If you assign the Family role to Grandparents or other family members, let them know that their login will not have access to the child's profile, like the parent role login.

💡 Contacts with the Family role will only see Newsfeed posts that are posted after the date they were invited to Famly. Their Newsfeed may look empty to start with, but over time it will fill up as posts are made!

Many settings share photos as part of observations, but keep in mind that if a photo is part of an observation, it will only show up on the Newsfeed for contacts with a Parent role. Contacts with the Family role can't see observations or photos attached to them, which may be why they are not seeing particular posts on their Newsfeed.

What other options are there?

If you want Grandparents and other family members to have full access to your child's profile in their setting, you can choose to assign them a 'parent' role in the app. You can still clearly define their relationship to your child, but this role gives them access to everything that you have access to as a parent, including being able to change the child's information. There is no limit to how many 'parent' roles a child may be assigned.

To change a Family role to a Parent role

To do this:

  • Log into the app

  • Click on your child and then their Family tab

  • Choose the contact you wish to change from a family log in to a parent log in

  • Click in the box next to 'Log in', which will now say 'Role: Family'

  • A pop-up will open (as below) where you can select the parent role for that contact person.

  • Finish inviting them by pressing the Save Changes button.

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