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Managing Medication in Famly

How to record administering children's medication

Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over 3 months ago

🔒 Medication forms can be used on our Premium and Professional packages. Read more about pricing here!

How to Create a Medication Form

  • To create a medication form, head to a child's profile and click on the Safeguarding tab

  • From here, make sure you're in the Medication section

  • Click Add and fill in the medication details and frequency

  • Each medication form represents 1 dose:

    • So in the Dose (amount) field, enter the amount equal to 1 dose

    • And in the Dose (units) field, enter the units for this dose

    • For example, if 1 dose of an inhaler is 4 puffs, enter 4 in the Dose (amount) field and puffs in the Dose (units) field

  • Make sure to enter the last day if you'd like the form to be archived automatically. The form will then be archived the day after the date you input in the Final day field

💡 Medication forms cannot be edited after the first dose is administered

Acknowledging a Medication Form

Before medication can be administered, the medication form must be acknowledged by both a parent and a member of staff.

Both parties can see the medication form under the Medication section of the Safeguarding tab on the child profile. They will also both get a notification when the medication form is created:

Once acknowledged, the form view will look something like the image below, and the nursery staff member will now be able to administer medication.

*Note: If you do not have the button to Acknowledge this may be because the form has been archived. Archived forms cannot be acknowledged as they are no longer in use.

If your setting is part of a larger organisation, keep in mind that organisational-level managers cannot acknowledge medication forms. Organisational managers who need to acknowledge medication forms will need to be assigned a site-level role at each setting in the organisation.

Administering Medication

This can be done either from the Medication section of the Safeguarding tab on the child's profile or from the Room Overview.

Alternately, you can head to the Medication tab specifically on the Room Overview. Children who are signed in and booked in and have active medication forms (that are already acknowledged by parents and staff) will appear here. This means upcoming medication is only shown for children that are currently signed into that room (this is also in your Overview medication widget).

  • If on a child profile, click the purple button titled Administer. If on the room overview, simply click the child to administer

  • Preview the medication details

  • Fill in the time, witnesses, and other notes (if desired)

  • Click Next to see a summary and Administer

  • You'll then see that the dose you've administered is ticked off in the Today's Doses overview

Acknowledging a dose that's been administered

Previous doses can be seen at the bottom of the medication form as a list. Here they can be acknowledged by parents and staff after administration. This can be done in hindsight if needed, and new doses can still be administered in the meantime.

All staff with the permission to acknowledge medication forms will receive a notification once a medication has been administered.

Medication Forms Overview

The overview can be found under the Children icon under Safeguarding → Medication. Here you can see all children who have active medication forms.

There are three status options for the forms:

  • Active - (green) Needs to be administered, is fully approved

  • Pending - (yellow) requires an acknowledgement from a parent and/or staff member

  • Archived -(grey) no longer needs to be given, medication is expired. After this time forms can no longer be acknowledged. Due to GDPR reasons medication forms cannot be deleted hence it's best to archive unneeded forms.

See the filters on the left-hand side to see a list by status.

Deleting Medication Forms

Due to GDPR reasons, medication forms cannot be deleted, hence it is best to archive unneeded forms.

To archive a medication form you can find the form via Children → Safeguarding → Medication OR you can navigate to the child’s profile, click on the Safeguarding tab and select Medication. Once you’ve found the form, click on it to open it up in a new window. At the top, there will be the button ‘Archive form’. Archived forms will be stored in Children → Safeguarding → Medication indefinitely.

Once a medication form has been archived it is not possible to undo this! So make sure before clicking the button.

What permissions do my staff need to use Medication forms?

Managers will need to allow permissions for other roles to manage medication.

To do this, go to Settings → Staff → Roles and permissions → Compare roles.

What do the permissions mean?

  • Acknowledge medication forms - staff members can acknowledge medication forms and administrations

  • Manage medication forms - staff can create new medication forms and carry out all related actions:

    • Create medication forms

    • Administer medication

    • View active and pending medication forms - staff will need this permission to see the overview and administer medication (Staff will need this and the above}

    • View archived medication forms

    • Archive medication forms - can close medication forms eg if they become outdated, parent request, etc.

If you have feedback on Medication Forms that you'd like to share with us please write to 😊

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