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Using Xero with Famly
Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over 4 months ago

πŸ”’ Using Xero with Famly is supported in our Premium and Professional packages. Learn more about pricing here!

Exporting Invoices to Xero

Exporting from Famly

  • Go to the Finances icon and click on the Reports β†’ Invoicing. Now set the period for which you'd like to download and exclude the files that have already been exported if desired.

  • Next select Export CSV. Here you'll see the option for a Xero CSV.

  • Once clicked here you'll see the option to add the Account ID for reporting purposes. If your settings does not use Account IDs skip this step. If in use, click Add new to create one or select an existing Account ID.

  • To see an overview of your Account IDs, or to add more head to Settings β†’ Finances β†’ Accounting.

  • Once you've selected Generate file you'll see the file preparing for export.

  • You will receive a notification when your file is ready to download.

  • Now you can click Download to obtain the file.

Importing in Xero

To import these to Xero go to Business β†’ Invoices and click the Import button. A window will open that looks something like this:

You have already completed steps 1 and 2, as the download of invoices from Famly matches Xero's template. Upload your file and Import!

*Note: If two bill payers have the same name they will merge, even if they have different emails. This is because Xero cannot recognise the difference between these. It's best to move these over manually instead.

Importing Payments from Xero

Downloading a Report from Xero

To download a report of payments from Xero follow the steps below or watch the video:

  • Go to Accounting β†’ Account Transactions

  • Select the bank account you'd like to download for and the date range

  • Click Update

  • Click the filter under Accounts to include

  • Click on Debit to open it and enter 0.1 in the left box OR click Credit and add any to 0

  • Then click Update. Then Export as Excel

Once you've done this, you'll have a file that you can upload directly into Famly, without adjusting to format according to our template.

Note: The system looks for a match of bill payer from the Description column in the Xero export. By default in your Xero export, the Contact Name is included in the Description. You can double check this if you observe issues with matching your imported payments to the right bill payers.

Importing Payments from Xero

The next steps are now the same as a usual Payment Import, without the required template.

  • Go to the Finances icon and click on the Payments tab, then the Import Payments button

  • Click Upload files and select the Excel file you just downloaded

  • Click Next to upload and see all your payments as a list to select from

  • Select all, or just those you'd like to upload, and Import payments

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