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Parents 🧸: Change Your Email Address

Changing the email address you use to log in to your child's profile

Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

Not all settings allow parents to edit their own details- if you're in doubt, please check with your child's setting.

Changing your email address

If you would like to change the email address you use, please follow the directions below:

It is important to not remove your login from the contacts tab of your child.

  • Log in to the app

  • Click on your picture in the top right corner of your screen

  • Click on Your Settings

  • In the General tab, scroll down to the Email section and click Change next to your email

  • Enter your new email and click Change Email

An email will be sent to your new address with a link for you to click.

  • Click on the link and a new page will open with your old email address, do not change this here

  • Enter the password you normally used to log in to the app

Your email has now been changed to the new email, which you can use to log in to the app.

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