In this article: N.B. This is NOT the same pincode needed to log in to the Famly app |
Where to find your assigned Pincode to sign your child in and out of their setting
If your child's setting has chosen to limit the use of the separate sign-in screen with a pin code, you will need to find your personal sign-in pin code.
Here's how to find it:
Log in to the Famly app with your email and password
Click your photo in the upper right corner
Click Sign-in Pincode.
*This option will not appear if your setting has not enabled signing children in and out with a pin code
A new pop-up will open, where you see your personal sign-in pincode, which will allow you to sign your child in and out on the separate sign-in screen.
Remember that the code is strictly personal as it links you to the actions performed on the sign-in screen. It cannot be changed.