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Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over a week ago

Export Data from Blossom

In Blossom, you can export data via PDF and CSV files. Find out how to this on Blossom's help page here.

In short, you can do this by:

  • Going to Children and clicking the three dots

  • Select Export children

  • Enter child or all children

  • Select send to staff member

  • Select the date range

  • Select to include archived children if desired

  • Export.

The Data We Need:

Mandatory Data for Children

  • Child's First Name

  • Child's Last Name

  • Gender (M/F)

  • Room

  • Birthday

  • Start Date

Blossom's download includes all this information.

Additional Data for Children (if available)

  • Nationality

  • Language

  • Birthplace

  • Leaving Date

The Sample Import File

To help you give us the information that we need you can download and complete our sample import file.

Please forward us any information you are able to generate on children, parents, staff, and bill payers to your Famly contact person or to

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