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Child Development for Scotland - Progress and Reporting
Child Development for Scotland - Progress and Reporting
Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over a month ago

Reports in the Child Development app

Next Steps

You can also view the planned 'Next Steps', of children in your setting in 'Child Development'. This is a list of the 'Next Steps' or 'What's Next?' entered on individual children's Observations. You can filter the list of 'Next Steps' by:

  • Child

  • Key person

  • Room

  • A date the next steps were made after (to ensure the next steps are up-to-date

You can also 'Archive' next steps from here, as they become no longer relevant.

Progress Report

The default view of the progress report is by Statement-based tracking- this is a summary of each child's development based on the statements (the links to the curriculum) that have been connected to their observations. Choose your 'as of' date and ensure you have your curriculum selected from the drop-down menu.

You can filter by:

  • Key person

  • Tags

  • Rooms

  • Gender

  • Age

When in this view you can click into each box to see the Journey Details. Here you will be able to see:

  • the title

  • the statements (links to the curriculum you use) that have been connected to the observations made of the child

  • the age band (in the curriculum) they were connected to

  • the date the curriculum statements were linked

The Age Band that is shown is the youngest curriculum Age Band the child is working in.

Areas that the children are 2 or more age bands 'ahead of expected progress' will be shaded in dark blue, 1 age band ahead will be in light blue. Those that are 2 or more age bands 'behind' will be shaded in red and 1 age band behind will be in light red.


The 'Tally' section of 'Child Development' counts the observations made about the children in your setting. You can choose 'statement-based' (links to the curriculum you use) or 'refinement-based' (by expected age-bands in the curriculum you use) observations, and the period of time you'd like to view. Again, you can also filter by:

  • Key person

  • Tags

  • Rooms

  • Gender

  • Age

You can also choose to show only children who have no observations in the specified period.

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