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Childminder Package

Here you can get an overview of the features that are in the Childminder package

Constança Vilar avatar
Written by Constança Vilar
Updated over 2 months ago

What's Included?

The Childminder package is tailored to meet your needs as a childminder. It helps you streamline operations, enhance communication with parents, track children's development, manage administrative tasks efficiently, and excel in Ofsted inspections.

For just £29/month + VAT, our Childminder package includes all the features from our Foundation package, plus additional tools like medication and accident reports. You can manage up to 10 children and 2 staff members per account. Need more flexibility? Reach out to us through our support channel to see what we can do.

For a comprehensive list of features, visit the Childminder page or check out the Famly Store in-app.

The Childminder package includes the following features:

Instant messaging


Sign in/out

Batch invoicing

Interactive news feed

Photos & videos

Room planner

Activity planner

Daily diaries

Child profiles

In-app payments

Accident/Incident forms


Attendance report

Ad-hoc purchases

Medication forms

Ready to take your childminding service to the next level?

Great! Head to your Famly Store and choose the package that suits your needs. If you need more information on the step-by-step of the purchase, consult the articles below.

Please make sure you are on a desktop device since purchases in Famly Store are not available in the downloadable app.

Not ready yet?

No worries! You can try our Childminder package for free with a 14-day trial. Sign up on our website or through the Famly Store and experience the benefits firsthand.

Start your free trial today!

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