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SEND Observations
Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over a week ago

Update to SEND observations in the EYFS

In the new version of Child Development for settings using the EYFS, it is possible to link to the 7 areas of learning in the EYFS, which is for all children, including children with SEND, or to the CoETL, rather than individual curriculum statements. This means that it's not currently possible to link observations to the earlier SEND framework in the new version of Child Development.

We’re following the EYFS and SEND Code of Practice and we’re gathering feedback from:

  • Settings,

  • SENDCos,

  • Experts on special needs and disabilities,

We also contacted the Department for Education, for further guidance.

We really want feedback so please get in touch with your ideas.

We’re especially keen to hear from SENDCos, so that we can give you the tools you need to better support your children with SEND.

How can I support SEND children in Famly?

While we’re researching, gathering feedback, and working on this, keep in mind that the EYFS advises the way you assess and observe your children with SEND shouldn't differ too much from the way you observe and assess all of your other children.

You can also:

  • Use the ‘Notes’ page of the child’s profile to add their EHC plan or an IDP, for staff to refer to

  • If you tag the children with SEND as such in their profile, you can then filter that cohort on the progress report to hone in on the development of just those children

  • Use your activity planner app to include activities or therapies for your SEND children

SEND Observations

If you have not updated to the new version of Child Development, you can link observations to statements from The Early Years Developmental Journal, by Early Support. As with all curriculum guidance, this list is not an exhaustive developmental path, so should only be used to supplement developmental knowledge.

You must still work within your mandated framework to support children with special educational needs or disabilities, for example:

Where can I find the SEND links?

If you have not updated to the new version of Child Development, you can find SEND links by clicking SEND (in the curriculum links of an observation), the links will show up.

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