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Managing Irregular Booking Plans
Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article:

How to Enter Irregular Booking Plans

Sometimes, children have plans that are different every week. For example, one week, a child may attend two sessions; the next week, they attend one session, and the week after that, they attend four sessions. That's quite a bit to keep track of!

You can enter this irregular booking plan in advance to avoid any of the guesswork. To do so:

  • Head to the child's profile and click on their Bookings tab

  • From here, click on Create new plan

  • In the Plan period section at the top, enter the start and end date for the first part of the plan

  • Now, enter any sessions that will occur during this period. If this period is longer than a week, the pattern will recur until the end date set in the plan period section.

  • Click on Save changes to confirm

  • Next, click on Create new plan again

  • This time, enter the dates for the next plan period and the bookings that occur during that period. Once again, click on Save changes to continue

  • Repeat this process for future weeks or months, remembering to click on Save changes once each plan period has had sessions added

Let's use Eloise as an example of how to add an irregular booking plan:

  • Eloise has an irregular plan for June and July

  • From the 1st to the 7th of June, Eloise will attend nursery on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

  • From the 8th to the 19th of June, she will only attend on Mondays

  • From the 20th of June to the 5th of July, she'll attend on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

To add Eloise's irregular booking plan:

  • Click on the Bookings tab on her profile

  • Click on Create new plan in the Plans section

  • From here, enter the first period for her irregular plan in the Plan period section. For Eloise, this will be from the 1st of June to the 7th of June

  • Next, add her sessions for this period. It'll look something like this:

Once saved, this part of Eloise's irregular booking will show in the Plans section:

  • Next, click on Create new plan again and enter the plan period for the second part of the irregular plan. For Eloise, this will be from the 8th to the 19th of June

  • Add the sessions relevant to this period. Eloise just attends on Mondays during this period, so her plan looks like this:

  • After saving those changes, it's time to add the last part of Eloise's irregular booking. Click on Create new plan, enter the plan period from the 20th of June to the 5th of July, and add the relevant sessions to this period. It'll look like this:

Eloise's irregular booking plan for June and July is all done. On her profile, in the Plans section, you'll see each part of her booking, including the start and end dates you entered for each period.

You can continue adding plan periods if a child's bookings continue to stay irregular as far into the future as you'd like. If the child's bookings ever become regular and repeat on a weekly basis, just leave the end date blank in the Plan period section, and their plan will continue to recur.

If you charge by Annualised calculations, you can set up a temporary change in a booking pattern

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